It's fall, and life is maddening. But I thought I'd stop and give a brief update on all things Gentry...
As you can see above, my wife is rather crafty. We went to "Michaels" crafts to buy a wreath for the fall, but they were upwards of $40. So when Natalie saw all that she needed about the store, she decided to make one, which she did beautifully, and for about a quarter of the price! I think it's cute.
We also managed to finish the bedroom. My wife will likely be upset for me showing these pics since they show a messy room, but I don't know anyone who sees this whose own bedroom is any cleaner than ours. Just know that it's not the norm. ;-)

Yes, those are my blue drawers...

Wow, you can see the dust on the TV!
We put our Dr. Suess painting up in the living room too. I had no idea how great it would look with the color of paint we used.

We still have more work to do... my office still has the ugly wallpaper up with the yummy smoke stains, and the hallway is still in tatters. This month, being as crazy as it is, doesn't seem to have room to get it done either. We were hoping to perhaps have a little halloween party, but it's not looking good. I have two sermons to write for the 23rd, midterms and papers as well. It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks.
Yet, somehow I have found time to listen in the car, and before bed, to the Harry Potter books on CD. I always wanted to read them, but knew I would never have time. The first three went pretty quick, but the last three are really long and taking me a bit of time to get through. I'm on the 5th book now, Order of the Pheonix and it's very good. They all are. Rowling is pretty ingenius. As the story continues it gets darker and darker, so I'm not sure I would read the later ones to my kids (when I have some) until they are older. I'm enjoying them though. I even find myself using language from the book - phrases I would not normally use. It's fun. I'm actually listening to it right now as I right this post.. only 2 CD's left!
Spending so much time doing other things has kept me far from the political scene, and I am not very sad about it. The more I hear the happier I am that I don't know enough about what is going on these days to have an informed opinion. The flashes of things I hear are not troubling enough at this point to draw my full attention.
I'm enjoying the baseball playoffs, and football has started again. However, for the first time since I started watching football, I'm really not all that excited about it. But since the Giants are at least pretty good offensively, I'll probabaly get into it a bit more before long. I think I am just a little disappointed by the Mets poor showing this year - even though they did better than most expected - and I don't want to get my hopes up again. It takes a lot of energy to root for a team for 6 months... It's like reading a good long book. When it's over, there is a bit of a mourning period... especially when one of the greatest Mets ever will likely no longer be playing with the team.
But I've spent more time here than I should have already, so I'm off to do the important stuff... like make dinner!
obviously the above is spam... I can't figure out how to delete comments on this silly thing.
small retraction - you cannot, in fact, see the dust on my TV - it's a reflection of what is on my bed, which itself was rather messy at the time of the photo.. I was going to post a pic, but decided it would be better for my health if I did not.
i finally figured it out! comment deleted...
Hey Greg,
I'm glad you and Natalie finally moved into and are settling into the new place. I have been trying to reach Natalie since my move back to NY but have been unsuccessful. Please let her know that I have been thinking of her. My cell phone # is the same so please pass the message on to her. Anyway next time you guys are in NY or we are in PA we should get together. Talk to you soon!
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