She's changed so much so fast... just scroll down to the older pics if you don't believe me!

my pre-thug-life baby

thug transition...

i will buss a cap in yo baba...

Representin' Hackettspatch! West Side!

ugh - HOW CUTE!?!

hehe, i just love the faces she makes... so surprised by everything

sitting up and even beginning to balance herself...

but sometimes she needs help...

and sometimes there is no help to be had... :-)

mamma to the rescue!

There's nothing better than when she is happy and playful... nothing in the world.

Smiling for daddy!

Natalie's good friend from back home is having a birthday and Abby insisted on sending pictures...

She is an absolute blast! No concept of what life was like before we had her...
WOW!!! That was such fun!!! I absolutely love it!! I'm going back to watch again, the falling down and somebunny loves you are sooo great, and the others, too!! the wonderful looks of surprise, and I can't wait to get my hands on her! .....ok, I'll calm down, I promise.
She is beautiful, and smart! Humph, i wonder how that happened? Just kidding!
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