Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's Official!
Yes, I know it's week six, but I have been so wrapped up in the end of a great season for the Mets that I haven't really paid all that much attention to the New York Giants. That will now change, at least a little.
Football season is very different than baseball. It's just not the intense daily battle, it's not as constant. Baseball is a very long 162 games, and the 16 game football season flies by almost instantly. On the other hand, with such a short season, each football game is that much more meaningful, and that is why football is so much more popular in our country (at least in my opinion). No other professional sport has as much meaning wrapped into a single game of regular season play. In baseball, you can lose ten games in a row, or maybe even more, and not have it significantly effect your overall season. But in football, a single game can completely change the complexion of your season. And forget losing streaks... more than two in a row and in most cases you may as well pack it in and set yourself up for next years draft... ok, ok, it's not quite that dramatic - but compared to baseball it may as well be.
And yet for all its excitement, I still don't like football nearly as much as I like baseball. But that won't stop me from enjoying the Giants season this year. Especially when they do things like they did tonight in Dallas. Monday Night Football, in Dallas, in front of a National audience, and the Giants made the 'Boys look kinda silly for the majority of the evening. Making a statement in the NFC East, taking first place, and showing that last year was not an aberration and that this team has finally come together after a pretty rough start. They clearly had the most difficult schedule in the NFL, and so far they have come out smelling like roses, even though alot of their first few games stunk like something else... But they are 3-0 in a very difficult NFC East and have gone 4-2 over a frightening opening 6. Unfortunately things don't get any easier looking ahead, but if you told me before game 1 that the Giants would be 4-2 after these first six games, I'd have signed up for that on the spot.
I was tempted to spend alot of time talking smack and rubbing this win in the faces of my many friends who are Dallas Cowboy fans -- But the Mets loss in the NLCS is too fresh, so I know the feeling. I'll just let the score speak for itself.
36-22 NYG
Hopefully the rest of the season goes at the same pace. a .750 winning percentage will do just fine towards a Super Bowl birth... but I'm getting ahead of myself... there is still a lot of football left to play... or is there?!?
Friday, October 20, 2006
An even better NLCS Game 7 Diary
Unfortunately, the game he watched ended the same way as the one I watched.
The Mets/Cards rivalry from the 80's has just been re-ignited, and they are now the new Braves in my eyes.
I'll leave you with my most hated baseball phrase, which I happen to actually mean: We'll get 'em next year.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ok, here we go – Game 7, live from Shea Stadium.
Who will it be? Mets or Cards? We’re about to find out, baby. A trip to the World Series in on the line.
Perez starts off with ball one, but Eckstein flies out harmlessly, one out. Is anyone else sick of the stupid Budweiser select commercials? “there’s a party over here, so you might as well be here, where the people care.” – Did Tim McCarver write that song?
Preston Wilson strikes out on three pitches – oh baby, Perez looks sharp. Strike one to Pujols too…. 4 in a row.. make that 5!!! Pujols pops-ups, but once again Delgado makes Perez have to work harder with an error on a routine pop-up.. UGH – he did the same thing last time Perez pitched… Pujols is on second.
Encarnacion pops out – inning over, Great job by Perez to put aside the error and go right after Encarnacion. If he continues like this its going to be a long night for the Cards.
Whether its smunchy, cerfelty, or cruncheweesy, the Mets better come up big early against Suppan. Let’s see if the experts were right and Reyes has another big game tonight. The Mets line-up is sick. I would not want to face them if I were a pitcher. Suppan was awesome in game 3, let’s see how it goes…
strike one to Reyes, make that foul, strike two. (I think I have to change my approach here, no one wants to read my play-by play.) Anyway, Reyes grounds out…
Suppan has thrown first pitch fastballs right down the pipe and so far no one has swung at them… these guys better get a bit more aggressive on him… two down… another first pitch strike to Beltran… Suppan looks sharp too.
Oooooh bad call on strike two – it was pretty low. If that pitch is going to get called all night it could be trouble.
Beltran rips an opposite field double down the left field line. Close play at second though, and here comes Carlos Delgado who has had a tremendous post season so far.
McCarver: “This guy can pitch.” Thanks Tim. Full count to Delgado.
The crowd at Shea is going nuts as Delgado takes Ball Four and David Wright comes to the plate. Man... I was so close to being at this game tonight… it would be so awesome. Strike one to Wright. Man I love this kid!!! – a flare down the right field line for a base hit and Beltran scores, Delgado to third. He got jammed and stilled muscled it to right field. He is so good. Gonna be a breakout game for Wright I think. Here comes Shawn Green with men on first and third and the crowd is absolutely crazy…
OH – line drive right at Scott Rolen, but it was hit hard. That ends the inning, mets up 1-0. Not a bad start, we’ll take it! LETS GO METS.
Jay-Z is back apparently… did he go somewhere?
I love this commercial with the sharks and the guy who sinks his boat… good stuff.
Jimmy Edmonds rips the first pitch he sees threw the whole on the right side, and Rolen flies out on the first pitch he sees… Molina hits the same flare David Wright did, but down the left field line. Runners on first and third, one out… Belliard bunts and the run comes home – tie score, man on second, two outs… Man, I should have made plans for dinner… I’m getting hungry, but I am not moving!
Suppan is up. He hit a home run last time he pitched, against Trachsel, but Perez strikes him out here. Inning Over.
I wonder if FOX has an anti-NY bias altogether, or if the women in
I can’t decide if Jeff Suppan sounded brilliant or idiotic in describing how he controls his emotions in a big game like this. “I try to concentrate on only two things – what pitch I want to throw, and where I want to throw it.” Is this a real game? Or a Tom Cruise movie? I thought I was watching “Days of Thunder” for a minute…
Mets go in order, and MacGyver tries to make a come back in a MasterCard commercial.
In case everyone was wondering… Samsung makes the best HDTV’s available. I have carefully compared all the major brands side by side, and no one else even really comes close to the DLP technology. Plasma and LCD aside, Samsung DLP gives the most bang for your buck. Back to the game…
Top of the Cardinal Order is up… Full count to Eckstein and he rips a double down the left field line. The pitch was up in the zone – good bit of hitting.
Preston Wilson at the dish, so of course, the cameras find his Step-Father Mookie Wilson. Tim McCarver: “There’s the Mookster” – He’s never been called the mookster in his life, I’m fairly certain.
Pujols gets the intentional pass. Can’t blame Willie for making this call. Two on, one out for Encarnacion, who is battling with an 0-2 count while Tim McCarver makes bad Elvis Costello references.
I bet 3 million Crispy chicken sandwiches (before taxes) that there is nothing to eat in my fridge. Jousting in wheel barrels with tape measures is ingenious marketing, and John Mayer is an awesome guitarist.
Woah – I stood up for a minute and we are back in commercials – the Mets obviously didn’t do a thing in the bottom half of the inning.
My wife is valiantly putting together the playpen we got last night at the baby shower. We got quite a haul. Very thankful for all those who came out to share this wonderfully joyous time with us. Now back to baseball…
Nothing like a cold slice of pizza to fill the belly…
Rolen is fighting off a bunch of pitches, making Perez work. And Perez wins the battle with another pop-up in the infield.
Wow – I just learned that when I runner gets on base and scores, that it is bad for the opposing pitcher… I never would have known… Thanks, you guessed it, Tim McCarver.
Molina flies out to Shawn Green to end the inning. This guy clearly needs a smaller hat. I don’t think I have seen him make a single play in the field where his hat has stayed on his head. I wonder if the equipment manager knows about this…
Suppan’s pitching carefully to Delgado, but the count just ran full. Ball Four. Delgado’s second walk. Wright comes up and hits the second pitch slowly to Rolen, not fast enough to turn the double play.
Has anyone noticed the “trivia” type facts they have been putting up when hitters come to the plate? I get surprised every time I see them. It’s not that they aren’t interesting in their own context, but I’m not sure how knowing Shawn Green’s favorite childhood book is Curious George helps me understand the game better… can someone else explain?
Speaking of Shawn Green, he goes down swinging, two outs.
I see some raindrops… what’s the forecast??
Come on Valentin, it’s time to come up big again. He hasn’t hardly hit at all, but most of his hits have been pretty darn clutch in the post season. But he gets plunked in the mouth, quite literally, and will get first base.
But Endy Chavez lifts one to right center, leaving two on, and we go to the Fifth.
Someone please tell me where Jay-Z went please? Wherever it was, He’s back and doing music videos as Budweiser commercials. Cool song, at least.
Shea Stadium is so alive tonight. Every time a pitcher gets to a two strike count, or any time a Met does anything at all, the crowd is on its feet. Belliard takes that two strike offering and puts it in left field past a diving Jose Reyes, followed by a bunt by Suppan. One out, man on Second.
Grr… Eckstein gets HBP on the toe. Perez bounced his pitch too, so I guess it was retaliation for the bouncer that grabbed Valentin on the chin.
Perez strikes out Wilson for the third time – but Pujols is coming to the dish with two men on and two out… aww man… playing with fire here… he’s going to pitch to him! Willie is nuts… HAHAAHA but it pays off!!!! Pujols pops out and the inning is OVER!
The HP campaign has been pretty good. Guys like Pharrel and Jay-Z doing the mid-to chest shot, throwing graphics around the screen. I like it.
Has anyone ever one anything more than a small soft drink or small fires playing Monopoly at McDonalds?? If they have, I’ve never met them…
Pickles, I think, are one of the greatest discoveries/inventions to ever bless the food industry. Dill pickles, deli style…
After a busy couple of innings, this game is quickly becoming a pitchers duel. It’s going to be whoever wears down first… Apparently the rain is going to pick up in about an hour… that should get us to the 8th inning or so… I hope the Mets can score a bit more by then, though I can’t imagine them calling a playoff game seven due to rain…
LoDuca lifts one deep to left center and
I think Paul LoDuca might be the most underrated catcher in the NL. He does such a great job behind the plate, blocking balls, calling games. And he even does OK throwing guys out… but that’s his weakness. And he is the unquestioned emotional leader of this team. He’s a fire-ball and I’m glad we got him.
I wonder who decides how the outfield grass is cut and what shape they make out there. They’ve had some pretty cool designs at Shea this year. The best was the Mets NY symbol in the middle of center field.
Perez is making
Oh man! That was AWESOME!! I am so PUMPED right now... WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
OK – case in point – biased announcers – any announcer with a PULSE would have been going out of their mind with that play – How about Joe Buck? Nothing… like he’s watching the grass grow… UNREAL CATCH.. Chavez lept about 4 feet from the wall and got WAY up to take away the Homer… wow… But Buck and McCarver have virtually nothing to say – no emotion… nothing… Jon Miller would have made a great call on that catch… and I can’t imagine what is happening right now in the Mets radio booth… And Chavez takes TWO curtain calls, as Beltran grounds out on a slow roller…
WOAH – Delgado nearly had his head taken off…
David Wright routinely grounds to third… but Rolen air mails it over Pujols head. He must have been thinking Endy Chavez was at first… Runners on first and second, one out. And the Cards are WALKING Shawn Green intentionally to pitch to Jose Valentin… BIG MISTAKE, in my opinion.
Ball one to Valentin… the fans are going nuts… the “Let’s Go Mets” chant is blaring…
1-1… Valentin fooled badly by a curve ball.. 1-2.
1-2 pitch fouled off… man the tension is thick…
I hate when they show people praying in the stands….
And as if God was reading my mind... Valentin strikes out… bringing up Endy Chavez – if his amazing catch is an indication………..
Ugh… popped it up on the first pitch…. What a waste! Momentum killer…
The Toyota FJ Cruiser (read, wanna-be Hummer) is just about the ugliest thing on four wheels… and Dunkin Donuts really does make the best coffee…
Here comes the Mets Bullpen…. It starts with Chad Bradford, the submariner who occasionally scrapes his knuckles on the ground. He’s starting off slow going 2-0 to Molina, but there’s a strike, 2-1. After fouling off a few, Molina works the count full, and flies out to left.
Ronnie Belliard cannot keep his tongue in his mouth to save his life. And it’s not like a
Suppan grounds out and the Cards go in Order.
Time to stretch!
The rain is picking up, and the Mets will have the top of the order after a pinch hitter for Chad Bradford. And Jeff Suppan comes back out to pitch to Michael Tucker, who I am pretty surprised is even on the team... but he’s done alright when called upon.
After painfully fouling one off the inside of his foot, Tucker flies out to center.
Man, the Ump’s strike zone is all over the place tonight… 0-1 to Reyes, who grounds out to Pujols (or Poo hole, as my wife calls him – not because she is a Mets fan or anything, but because she hates baseball, and to make the time pass, she makes fun nick names for all the players). LoDuca quickly grounds out as well, and the Mets go in order….
Is eighth spelled right? It must be… MS Word is not underlining it in red. (Yes, I am writing this in Word, to be transferred to blogger later – only because I have far too often trusted blogger with long posts, only to have them erased right before I finish… nevermore!
Now Aaron Heilman toes the rubber for the Mets.
Eckstein grounds sharply to Delgado at first, and Spezio, with his stupid little queer dyed red soul patch, which I’d like to rip off his face, comes to the plate. (If you can’t tell, I’m not a fan of Spezio) Quickly 1-2 to Spazio (yes, it’s childish), and the Shea faithful get to their feet… and Heilman gets him looking with a fastball inside.
Poo-hole to the dish. Doesn’t look like Heilman wants to give him anything close to the plate, so they give him ball four intentionally. Buck just pointed out that the hitters around Pujols are 0-7 with 6 strikeouts and a Double play ball… not much protection for the big boy…
Encarnacion looks like he will follow the trend, getting behind 0-2 and striking out swinging… Heilman comes through and we have the heart of the Mets order coming up!
So Taguchi comes in for defense in left field, and Beltran comes up to bat. Suppan just threw his 100th pitch of the night. 3-1 to Beltran… a leadoff walk to B-train, and here comes Delgado – and Tony Larussa runs out to get Suppan – it’ll be
Man these games are so gut wrenching… the suspense is crazy. Game 7’s really are magical... everybody is so pumped… let’s just hope the goat tonight is wearing Red and not Blue and
Beltran keeps
Hehe, he throws his bat at a slider way outside to stay alive….but it means nothing... he strikes out trying to check his swing…
David Wright comes up, 1 for 3 on the night. Wright should get a pitch to hit, as he is now ahead 2-0…. Now 3-1….
Beltran doesn’t move, and Wright strikes out swinging… 2 down, Green to bat. Green lines out to Pujols… no hits since the first inning… sheesh…
It looks like Wagner is coming in… in game two he gave up 3 runs in a tie game and took the loss… Let’s hope he has his fast ball tonight…
But no... it’s Heilman again? Hmm… Willie goes against conventional wisdom again…
Dang it… there is that chick praying again!! STOP IT!
Count is full to Scott Rolen… base hit to left. Go ahead run is on…. Still one out.
Heilman is pretty adept at inducing the double play – but UGHHHHHH
Not this time…. Heilman gives up the long ball to Molina… 3-1 Cards.
Shea is silenced… you can hear Molina’s celebratory whoops all over the stadium….
The other two guys ground out….
Here comes the Mets last chance…
Valentin works a full count to start it off…. YES – a flare to right center… lead off single!!
Chavez to the plate… my heart was in my stomach, now it’s in my throat…
YESSSSS!!! Two on, nobody out!!!!
Flashes of Kirk Gibson streaming to mind… 1-2 to Cliffy… 2-2… UGH struck out looking with a breaking ball… he had no chance really… awesome pitch…
Here’s Reyes… 0-4 tonight… One out, two men on…
Reyes…. UGH lined out to center field.. good piece of hitting, just right at Edmonds… it’s up to LoDuca now… come on DUUUKKEEE
LoDuca… surprised by a slider down the middle… now 3-1… I can’t take this man… I think I’m having chest pains…
Holy cow…. I can’t even believe this is happening….
0-2 to Beltran….
Strike three looking… I think I’m gonna be sick…
No happy recap tonight…. And here ends the baseball season…
At least my wife will be happy.
LET’S GO TIGERS! I doubt I’ll watch even one pitch...
To end things on a positive note - it really was a great season for the Mets, all the way down to the last inning of game 7. The way things have gone all season, I expected Beltran to come through there at the end... but the Lord had other things in mind... and that's fine by me.
Shut Up Tim McCarver
Anyway.. I have really been angered by the broadcasters throughout the series.
Fox's team is Joe Buck and Tim McCarver and both have direct ties to the Cardinal Organization. Buck has been their long time broadcaster, following in his father's footsteps, and Tim McCarver is a former Cardinal player. Now, I don't care who you are and how professional you think you are, personal biases always come out in competative arenas such as playoff games.
To be fair, Joe Buck isn't all that bad. He does get a bit more excited when the Cards do something good, but I think I can handle him overall. But Tim McCarver only has two calls - He either states something that is completely and utterly obvious to even the most 'lay' baseball fan, or he says something that is so completely WRONG that it isn't even funny. To me he is unbearable, and if it weren't for the delay, I would be listening to Gary Cohen and Howie Rose on WFAN.
If you don't believe me, please check out this website that is dedicated to exactly how much Tim McCarver stinks! It's called shutuptimmccarver.com and it is hilarious! Be sure to click on the McCarver Gems link to get some of his most inane calls.
I have joined their quest as stated on the website and put a link here on my blog, and I encourage you to do the same. Enjoy the game. My diary will follow, but I will likely only publish it if the Mets win. ;-) See, bias is EVERYWHERE.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
This is Hilarious
You have got to listen to this. Best way to handle telemarketers I have ever heard.
Check it out!
HT to See Life Differently
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hug a Stranger
One such extension is called "Stumble!" - You hit a button and it brings up a random web site that is recommended by other Stumble! users. But i must warn you - take great care and make sure all your work is done before you begin stumbling.. it can be quite a distraction for those who do not have an impenitrable will, and the gift of pure focus, like I do. (You can stop laughing at any time.)
Anyway, I Stumbled across this and thought it was cool - it made me want to hug someone.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Reflection on Death
To add something of my own thoughts to what Dr. Trueman has said, I find death to be one of the great apologetic tools in discussing spiritual things with those who deny God's existence, or hold to evolution. The idea that death is so shocking, that it causes such disruption and chaos in the lives of all humanity is an argument against natural selection. If death is as normal and expected as it seems, then why are we still so effected by it? It seems to me that the one thing that has been with mankind since that first "accident" which caused us to rise out of that primordial ooze would be one of the first things to go according to darwinian evolution.
Death is truly grievous, but as Christians we can never mourn the way an unbeliever does, because even though death is just as real and just as chaotic and just as unnatural (perhaps even moreso!), the one who is united to Christ mourns with the great hope that death is not the end, and that there will come a time when even death will be no more and we will see the death of death.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Latest...
Let's see...
Well, as you can see below, my wife is cooking us up a little baby girl in her belly. We are very excited and nervous as the time approaches for her to come into the world. And actually, that level of excitement has been racheted up a notch, since yesterday we found out that she might be coming at the end of OCTOBER and not the end of November... we are NOT READY!!! But will we ever be? not so sure... It would be nice to have some diapers and such in the house however...
5 weeks of prep time becoming two weeks of prep time is never fun, no matter what you're talking about.
I am still the intern at Church of the Covenant OPC, Hackettstown NJ. Things have been going well. No one has yet decried me as a heretic, or had any real misgivings about anything I have preached about or taught in Sunday School. It's a good thing I am using the Bible and the Confession for those things... phew.. I could be in trouble otherwise. (hopefully the silly sarcasm comes across here, I'm not a heretic.) In fact, I "exhorted" the Presbytery of NJ a couple of weeks ago, and praise the Lord, they didn't think I was a heretic either. (Hehe, I should stop saying that or people are going to start asking why...) But my exhortation was well recevied (fyi - we do not "preach" in the OPC until we are licensed, until then we "exhort". Yes, it's semantics, but it is important semantics) -- It was well received and the Presbytery voted unanimously to 'receive' it. Which I suppose means that it was not heretical. (there I go again.)
My relationship with the Church is going very well. They are very happy to have me and I am more than happy to be there. I couldn't think of a better situation for me right now. I know there are still areas that I need help on however, and pending congregational approval, we have extended the internship through 2007. I am quite thankful for that for several reasons, not least of which being that I won't have to move again for another 6 months...
It does not appear that this is likely, but my hope and prayer is that this Church will eventually call me as an associate pastor and I can continue to learn under Ron Pearce and serve in what I think is a field ready for harvest in several areas.
Oh, and in case you haven't been watching any baseball this past week, this picture should sum things up nicely for you:

Hey, guess what... It's football season! You'd never know if you lived in my head, which is pretty much 'all baseball all the time' right now. I do like football, but it's a distant second to baseball (as are most other things, unfortunately). I like the New York Giants, and have since the very first football game I watched in my whole life, the the NFC Championship game against the Redskins in 1986 when the G-men won it all. 1986 was a good year for New York sports. Anyway, the Giants are starting off a Schizophrenic 2-2, which is ok by me, as long as they pull it together once the World Series is over. Like the Mets, the Giants have all the tools to win big, but unlike the Mets, they do not seem to have the team chemistry and comradery that enables teams to overcome adversity and win together. I'm beginning to think the Giants are more like the Yankees mentality wise, and I don't really like that very much. I think they might have surprised themselves last year with how well they did, and that lent itself to more fun and team unity. But since they won the NFC East, they appear to feel as though they are already entitled to the NFC East and don't need to play that hard to win -- an assumption that is hopefully being beaten out of them early in the season. But enough about that silly sports stuff... (sometimes I wonder if I should be a sportswriter instead of a Pastor)
I guess that is as much of an update as I can muster right now. I'm all out... hopefully in the future I can begin posting things of a bit more substance, like I used to do. But I don't hold out too much hope for that. Until next time...