I knew right away how bad it had gotten when, while watching my daughter this morning, I came across the movie "Rookie of the Year" on the Telly...
It was a pretty fun movie back in 1993 when it came out (wow, I am old)... John Candy was still alive, and Gary Busy hadn't hit his public drunkenness stage of his career quite yet... but I watched part of it today, and I laughed... I laughed so hard I nearly cried at some of the silliest jokes... but then I realized that it wasn't really the jokes i was laughing at.. I just missed baseball.
And this, one week before the New York Giants play in the Super Bowl?!
Guess that makes quite clear where my sporting interests and allegiance lies.
You can keep your pigskin, I'll take the ball, bat and glove any day. I would never miss the NFL if it were to go away (and I've followed football since 1985, at 10 years old!). I suppose the Football season has always merely been a stop gap for me between one baseball season and the next, and The Super Bowl simply marks the fact that there is only 2 weeks left to pitchers and catchers...
Some of this obviously has to do with my beliefs and professional calling. Sunday is always very busy (not to mention Holy!), and football games are way down on (off?) the list of priorities for a Sunday afternoon. Not to mention that God is slowly conforming me to the image of His Son, who has much better things to do on the Lord's Day then park his wide load in front of the couch and scream at the TV.
All that being said, as I previously stated in another post, I am psyched for the Giants and I will follow what happens in the game and will celebrate if they win. But I will be waiting for a better day, a better field, a better game... that's just around the corner. (And has games not on Sundays!)
PS - In case you forgot how great this kid is, and is going to be, here are a few highlights from David Wright's career 2007 season:
My pre-season Baseball post, which I did not do last year, is likely right around the corner as well. But if you don't care about the Mets, you won't care about that either...
This picture was taken during a surgical procedure to correct spina bifida, during which the photographer witnessed the baby reach out of the open womb and grab the surgeons finger!
The doctor and others later claimed this was not true and attempted to suppress the photo, as well as the photographers career.
I had the privilege of hearing the testimony of the photographer first hand at a fund raiser for our local pregnancy center.
I knew it all along... and I'm not just saying that.
The Giants will play the Patriots in the Super-Bowl.
This guy really deserves it.
And no, I don't really feel all that bad for Brett Favre...
And I believe it will be a very good game, a close game, and yes, I believe the Giants have more than just "a chance" to beat the Patriots. I think they can, and I think they will.
This is going to be fun. Even if I wait til Monday to watch.
It's unfortunate that this got posted so late, because I would have made sure that our elders involved in tomorrow's worship service, at least, would have read it and prepared accordingly.
This, along with my previous post, give us cause to really be able to celebrate tomorrow and what it has meant for civil rights in our country, while at the same time being cautious of the things we may be moving backwards on. Not to say that we have "arrived" where race is concerned, but I think it is quite safe to say that we are very far from where we started, and even a very good distance from the Dr. King quote in Piper's post, even if we still have many miles to go. But as we travel those miles, we need to remember that we live in a world that thrives on partiality and sinful oppression. Even as we become more aware and more sensitive (less sensitive?) to our differences in skin tones, we have to remain aware and be careful of what other areas we may be allowing our sinful tendencies toward the oppression of others to raise its ugly head.
As promised, here is the portion of the Saks 5th Ave light show from when I was in NY last month. The quality is not good. Still figuring out Nero 8 after finally getting it to install on what has been the worst OS decision I have made to date.
I'm seriously considering switching to Linux. Microsoft gives me nothing but heartburn.
It's been awhile since I trumpeted a piece by Carl Trueman. I'm long overdue, and his latest is just what the doctor ordered.
In a time when we are bombarded with terms like post-modern, post-conservative, Post Corn Puffs cereal... it's nice to know I don't have to label myself a post-evangelical, as I have wanted to do. I can go with this far more trollish and Ogreish term of being a Bog Standard Evangelical.
PS - I missed it, did the Giants win? Did they beat the Cowboys? OH, they did? WOW. That's AWESOME! (Yes, that is directed squarely at my newly saddened Texan friends) :-) Bring on the Pack!
I had opportunity to go into the city just before Christmas to see a performance of Handel's Messiah. It was incredible. Here are some highlight photos... You can find a more extensive collection on my facebook page if you are so inclined. I love this one.. looks like its right out of a horror film or something... Rockefeller Center is at my back, and that's Saks 5th Ave in front. Saks has this very cool light show with music and those snow flakes... I taped part of it and will post it if I can ever bet my editing software to work on this lame operating system (XP64) - [not to get off topic, but Vista and the x64 OS' are from the Devil and should be sent back to where they came.] The very large tree. Notice the man on his knee under the statue....
We happened to witness this proposal... very sweet.
And since I never said it publicly - MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all who wander here. (Only 9 days late... It's been worse)