The following post is meant for our Missions Trip team.
Here are some pictures and commentary for what we will be working on for at least the first few days down in Fairmont.
Our host is Rosa May Flowers, she is a 76 year old single woman who loves the Lord.
Starting today, she is your newly adopted Grandmother.

This is her home... Starting today, this is our home. Her prized possessions will be our prized possessions. We will love and care for them as she loves and cares for them.

Most of us will be spending much of our time on the roof. But a bad roof also leads to indoor damage, so I will start on the inside and work our way out...

The roof has been leaking for some time. These pictures show the damage...

Best case scenario, we're looking at one or two replacement sheets of drywall, puddy, and then do our best to match the ceiling, which is painted with texture paste/paint as you can see below.

This is in the kitchen, not nearly as bad as the living room. After we fix the roof, we can probably just put some primer on the spot and paint it.

Now we head outside to the roof... We will be stripping and re-shingling the entire space, including both porches. We estimated it to be approx. 1300 square feet.

I'm guessing we will find some wild life in that insulation.

The shingles are literally crumbling under our feet. Rosa May has been here for 25 years. Who knows how long the roof has been here. There are no trees or shade on the house itself, so these are pretty weather beaten.

The pitch on the rood is not bad at all. We should not need to worry about roof jacks or anything like that.

MTW has already put a tarp on the roof to keep it from leaking any further.

Here is the fascia work that needs to be done. This is the back porch, which has almost no pitch at all. We were surprised there wasn't more internal damage under this section of roof.

We will have to contend with a family of buzzers before we start the job...

Mark climbed up into the attack to see if there was any hidden damage, so there will be no surprises. If you look into the corner you can see the black water damage. One or two rows of ply wood will likely need replacing.

She also asked us to fix this electrical socket which apparently has no juice. Hopefully we can figure that one out.
That's the tour. It doesn't look all too daunting, and if we get a good rhythm going, we may be able to finish pretty early and help other teams finish other jobs as well. It will be the end of the summer at MTW, so there will be lots of loose ends to tie up, so be preparing yourselves mentally for just about anything!
Start praying now for how God is going to use you on this trip, and how He is going to change you on this trip. Be praying for Rosa May, and how we can minister to her, or how she may minister to us. Be praying for the unexpected, for safety, and most of all for God to be honored and glorified in our work, and for him to give us many opportunities to show and share Jesus Christ.